Eilts – A Great Value for Tax Prep

For CPAs like me, January is actually the start of our favorite season of the year: tax season.

Just as the start of the holiday season is marked by lots of television commercials from stores hoping to win your business, the beginning of tax season is marked by commercials for H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, and other retail tax preparers. These commercials promote gimmicks such as free 1040EZ filing and reviewing last year’s return to win your business.

At Eilts & Associates, we think the best tool for promoting our tax-prep capabilities is to provide outstanding service and expertise at a very competitive price. Like the retail shops, we provide free 1040EZ filing and review your previous years’ returns. But unlike those companies, we have Certified Public Accountants review your return and make recommendations based on a detailed understanding of your personal and business circumstances. Our clients receive:

  • Year-round tax advice:The service we provide does not end as soon as your return is filed. We are available throughout the year to answer our clients’ tax and financial planning questions. One of the most rewarding parts about our jobs is helping clients prepare for and understand the tax implications of college savings, retirement, buying or selling a home, having a child, or other momentous life events. Our website has a library of articles addressing some of the most important tax issues facing individuals and small businesses.
  • CPA expertise: Each return we file is reviewed by a Certified Public Accountant. We check your previous years’ returns to ensure that you are receiving all possible credits, deductions, and other tax breaks and can file amended returns to cash in on things you may have missed in previous years.
  • Competitive pricing: The fees we charge for preparing tax returns are extremely competitive with the retail shops.

As you can see, when you hire us to prepare your tax return, you get a lot more than just tax preparation. If you know of anyone who is looking for convenient, affordable tax preparation that comes with year-round expertise and service, please forward this email to them.

Now that W-2s, 1099s, 1098s, and other tax documents have started arriving in the mail, check out our article, “Top 10 Tips for Organizing Your Tax Information.” Using these tips will simplify your life between now and April 15. (Actually, it is April 17 this year because April 15 is a Sunday and that Monday is a holiday, Emancipation Day, in Washington, D.C.)

If you have any questions about preparing for tax season or organizing your tax information, please contact us at 773.525.6171 or bart@eiltscpa.com. We look forward to working with you this spring!

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